
Vince Bongiovanni

Project Assistant
A smiling man with short, black hair and neat facial hair

Get to know me in three:

The values that influence me:Honesty, objectivity and consistency.
My diversity story:As a second-generation Italian-American, I’ve always been treated just a little bit differently. Be it positive or negative, this treatment has given me insight into how cultural/ethnic differences in behavior and/or appearance, especially those that do not conform with the cultural hegemony that exists in a society at any given time, can shape people’s perspectives of a person. And while I do not claim to have been as disadvantaged as the more marginalized groups in our society today, my experiences have afforded me a better understanding of and greater empathy towards what they may go through.
What makes LCW special:The people. Not only are they highly competent in their various areas of expertise, they are extremely passionate about what they do. It is truly a pleasure to be a part of an organization where this is more than just a “job”.


Vince Bongiovanni is excited to bring his unique perspective and educational background to effect positive change to client organizations all over the world.


Vince graduated from Loyola University Chicago with a Bachelors of Science in psychology. In his studies, he focused on learning how to apply psychological concepts to an organizational setting. This was aided by his minor in business management where he studied organizational change and development along with theories of leadership. Throughout his work, Vince conducted research studies involving marginalized groups and socio-economically disadvantaged individuals, which helped to refine his analytical skills while serving to expose him to the various perspectives of our culturally diverse society.


In his free time, Vince competed as a member of the University Ethics Debate Bowl team. It was there that he developed his skills of empathy and shifting perspectives. Vince also helped serve his community by volunteering as a tutor and activity facilitator for local ESL students.

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