Kelly Salek

Head of Instructional Design
A smiling woman with long hair

Get to know me in three:

My home away from home:During my college years, I traveled (taking planes, trains, and automobiles) to many European countries and found many places that I would consider home for their beauty (Switzerland), architecture (Austria), food (Italy), and pop culture (UK). But my true love is being in the sunshine state and feeling the warmth on my face, sand in my toes, and sunshine in my hair.
The values that influence me:Hard work, determination, and compassion are three of my most prominent core values that influence my life, my work, and my passion for achieving better. Hard work and determination have helped to define my path to success and provide opportunities for growth. My compassion helps to keep me grounded in purpose and the continued curiosity of people.
What makes LCW special:The type of people you meet, the projects you engage with, and the personalities on your team all make LCW special—it’s the sense of collaboration, true understanding, and a valued perspective on one’s individual DEI journey.


Kelly brings 22 years of experience in learning and development business ownership, and a wealth of consulting experiences in creating learning solutions ranging from course/curriculum development, blended learning experiences, LMS tracking management, and research/survey design. Her passion and desire to meet the needs of her clients stem from her educational background in teaching and learning (B.S.), instructional technology (M.S.), and curriculum and instruction, adult learning principles and stem education (Ed.D.). This combination of business ownership and consultative experiences, and her vast academic influences has shaped the way she approaches each client opportunity with a unique lens for helping people learn and grow.


Prior to joining LCW, Kelly worked with clients in the areas of DEI learning and knowledge management, leadership development (program creation for individual contributors to senior leadership), competence alignment, performance management cycle development (including learning interventions), and learning strategy/business alignment. Each learning/client opportunity was a way for her to integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion awareness and understanding using inclusive images, belonging language, and facilitated challenging discussions.


In addition to her curriculum design expertise, Kelly has spent much of her time strategically building and reengaging affinity groups to better inform business policy, career enrichment opportunities, alignment of professional development connections, recommendation of awards, and connections to local community efforts. Kelly is best known for her hard work and determination to create results-driven products and ensuring success for her clients.

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