Leader Development
Empowering leaders and people managers to embrace and leverage cultural differences to foster effective, resilient teams

Executive DEI Coaching
We work with your executive leaders to develop coaching plans and individual DEI goals by strategically identifying areas for growth and development. When paired with the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI)® , one-on-one coaching helps leaders develop practical tools to succeed in culturally diverse organizations.
Inclusive Leadership Learning Journeys
Leveraging our multi-modal learning library, we’ve curated training programs that introduce your organization’s leaders to concepts of cultural competence, diversity, equity, and inclusion. With unique learning journeys created for each of your organization’s audiences, your leaders will build knowledge about themselves and about cultural groups around them while practicing how to inclusively manage and develop equitable teams. Explore our learning journeys for more details.

Cross-Cultural Learning Partner Program (CCLP)
Using practices taken from mentorship models, participants of different cultural backgrounds are paired for 6-12 months to build skills and explore scenarios where cultural differences and global diversity can impact their roles and personal experiences. Pairs are supported with assignments that help build critical skills for addressing the cultural aspects of real-time business issues.
POC Coaching Clinics
This highly customized program specifically addresses the unique needs of people of color in your organization, empowering team members to take charge of their professional development and career arc toward leadership. Working within the parameters of the organization’s talent management strategy, participants learn how to build internal and external professional networks in ways that are authentic and relevant and gain opportunities to integrate these principles into their own individual communication style.

Foundations of a Sustainable Culture of Inclusion
Using a diagnostic snapshot based on collected organizational data, leaders are guided through an approach that creates the foundation of sustainable inclusion. This customized program helps leaders identify and leverage cultural diversity as an asset and build actionable plans for improving their organization’s mindsets and systems to promote inclusion at all levels.